Sunday, August 15, 2010

What's the future for computers?

I have this as an assiment and I can't find anything on the internet about the future of computers, please help I have to write a 7 page essay about it!!!!!!!

What's the future for computers?photoshop



1---they will get smaller

they keyboard will become obsolete and everything will be voice command

they will be small enough to wear as wristwatches

internet will become even more globalized as wi-fi towers will be everywhere you go so internet will always be available

the screen will also become obsolete and will be replaced by a hologram that displays al information needed

also to prevent theft all of the wrist-computers will have fingerprint scanners and voice recognition software as computers will get smaller so will the storage devices cd's will no longer exist everything will be repaced by memory cards SD by default maybe Xd or memory stick

the whole world will be interconneced not only will computers be smaller and more affordable but they will offer other services such as telephone and mp3 player, nav. system, gps, and they will carry all needed information.

2---the most likely evolution for the desktop will be home office the desktop will also get smaller the screen will grow bigger doubling as a touch screen keyboard replaced by a single palm scanner and a microphone fo voice commands the cpu will get laptop-thin but it will be able to hook up to any and all smart appliances hooked up to a network within ones house so they will 'talk' to each other you could be talking to your computer and tell it to turn the stove on or to microwave you some steak umms

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