Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where to buy new apple computers (CHEAP)?

Where is a good website or service to buy new apple computers? I really appreciate it cheap though.

Where to buy new apple computers (CHEAP)?pop up blocker

You get what you pay for. Quality costs a bit more than a computer made out of the lowest bid parts. Different sellers (MacMall, MacConnection, Smalldog etc) offer different incentives to buy. Some give you a free printer or software. Apple has an education store that gives student discounts. Just look for what you want.

Where to buy new apple computers (CHEAP)?systemworks

u cannot buy a new mac cheap. only 1 company makes them, Apple. apple can set there prices. save up and get a mac. u can get used ones from ebay.
well, you cna get them a little bit cheaper on check there. there still expensive but you may get 200$ off or so
Well I was looking on Ebay once, and saw one of those old iMac, the cool ones with the big colored monitors, and it was 31 bucks, so Ebay and amazon probably
new+apple= not cheap, cant touch an apple for less than a grand (1000usd)., walmart, target, bestbuy, circutcity, and thats all i can think of.

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