This girl is cheating[ help!][who is good with computers!!]?
There is a contest going on, and this girl cheated. when you click to vote for other people the vote automatically goes to HER, and not the right person. How can you fix it so the vote goes to the right person!? please someone helppp!!! xxxxxoooo-Thanks.
This contest is online btw, and you have to click the one you want to vote for, and then hit votee.There is no time to send in a complaint. they are nto going to read it, it takes too much time. please someone help!
WHO is a Wiz at computers[(please help!!)]?product key
Maybe not geek but...
In the past when I wanted to find out how a web page was made, I would get MSFT's Front Page and save the entire page and use its templates, see how it works, etc.
You could (most of the time) see what scripts they are using and where they are sent. Try saving the entire webpage, changing the destination of the answer, and upload it on your own webspace and vote often and vote early like they say in Milwaukee WI. (I know. Bad joke)
WHO is a Wiz at computers[(please help!!)]?triumph
i'm also experiencing this fact that points are not adding to my account while casting vote for best better catagorize this question to ''Yahoo! Answers'' or other Yahoo! Services catagory, it may help to stop point hacking, that potential spammer..
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